Love Through Disconnection this Thick

Clair Subhadra FireBird
3 min readDec 18, 2020

“We have never been here before
To not love less, to love more” — Angels & Airwaves

Loving those we cannot see or touch can be so hard. This year has given us a chance to work out how we can still love others through never before seen impossible space and time.

At the start of the 2020 pandemic, my favourite band created a song, to remind us of our true selves.

“All That’s Left Is Love” represents an idea that we hold firm to during these times — at our core we are connected, through support and compassion we can get through this world united, and together we are LOVE” — Tom DeLonge

While we can witness the beautiful outpouring of support through volunteering efforts, uplifting videos and cheerleading comments on forums, what happens when we can’t connect at all?

I had the chance to feel this for myself this year. My Nan, feeling isolated by the pandemic decided to give up on life. She went on a hunger strike and let nature do the rest. On her last day of life, the borders opened just enough to let me in. I raced to be with her. I sat with her, stroking her hair and telling her I loved her. What a gift to be able to tell her. The next day she was gone.

Feeling a level of grief I had not known before, I was floored with a complete absence of energy. I took some compassionate leave and looked to my phone for comfort and distraction. I spotted a game I had downloaded some time ago. Forgetting what it was all about, I opened it to play. And wow.

The world within the game was magical, confusing and unique. I roamed the worlds within until I hit a point where I was too scared to go further. I contacted my one friend in the game and asked her to accompany me. Unknown to me at the time, what laid beyond was the inevitable death of my character. I fought hard against it until I ran out of strength. I accepted my fate and watched my death on a screen. As I soared, I felt my Nan with me. Her love all around me, as I rose up through the clouds and away from the lands. She had wanted me to see this, so I would know she was okay.

I truly believe in whatever is beyond is full of love. If we can raise our awareness upwards and connect with each other as souls all on the same journey, then we realise we are never really disconnected.

When we feel that absence of disconnection, we can approach others much more easily in our daily lives with more love than before. We can go within and meet with their soul. We can tell them we love them there, knowing that we are never really apart. We just occupy different spaces.

This can be the same for those who are in the world with us right now, that we are disconnected from for other reasons. We can acknowledge that love in our soul state, knowing that being apart here and now is for the best for this journey, for whatever reason that is.

Most importantly, we have to focus on allowing love to come to us. The love we cannot see, are unaware of, and has not been expressed, all still exists. It may not look like we expect, but it is still there. It cannot go away. Can we meditate on this thought; “I know I am loved, can this love be with me now.” And if we find a real barrier here, we could keep a list of all the times we witness it. Awareness is key. Someone could be showing you love everyday and your walls don’t let it shine through. The Universe can help. Asking, to help us to see, hear, feel this love that is everywhere. To leave us with no doubt that we are loved. To show us that our connection is infinite, beautiful and encompassing.

Let’s let love rise.
I love you ❤

